About Us
Maples, hostas, ferns and hydrangeas in spring at El Dorado Nursery and Garden.
It all started when...
You will find El Dorado Nursery and Garden conveniently located on the borders of Cameron Park and Shingle Springs, minutes away from Folsom and Placerville.
When we opened the nursery in 2001 we did not know what to expect. Fourteen years later I can still say that I love my job, this dream would have never happened without my amazing nursery family and awesome customers. We have weathered the storm so to speak, the recession, the wet springs, the drought, and cancer. If we learned anything from the last 19 years it was that plant people are good people and we thank you every day for helping us become a wonderful family owned independent garden center.
In 2001 our plan was to offer you the most unique, local grown plants we could. Helping you design and learn to love your garden makes us happy. We are problem solvers, teachers, shoulders to cry on and people to visit and chat with. I think my gang of motley misfits (aka the best employees ever) does a wonderful job getting everyone needs taken care of. The gang here at El Dorado bring special skills and talents to the nursery-what a great blended family we have. I think that it shows in our customer service, plant selection, garden classes, and how we run the business. Our kids have grown up here, your kids have worked here, and we have all gotten a little older and we are welcoming our new generations of gardeners into our family.
Meet the Staff
Juliet & Chris
Owner and General Manager
Gift Shop Goddess, with her husband Jerry.
Lead sales
Brendan with Maximus the cattle dog.
Brendan is currently working with the CNPS, but he may be occasionally found perusing the nursery on weekends. If you want to see what is looking good in his plant collection you can check out his Instagram page @theplanimal